Thursday, July 14, 2011

Welcome to our school!

We are so proud to be the Golden Lions of AF East New York Middle School! Our class wanted to show you around and give you a taste of what our days are like. Enjoy and welcome to Brooklyn! :)

Caroline and Ousmane answer!

Once again, we loved your videos! Thank you for being so kind to answer our questions. Caroline and Ousmane answer a few more of yours.

Hello Rashawn and Ousmane

Hello Rashawn and Ousmane. We enjoyed watching your video. Here are our answers to your questions.

Video Games:
Ousmane Answers:
Some Questions We Have For You:

Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sports and Video Games

Blog posts aren't only for the girls! Rashawn and Ousmane introduce themselves, answer some of your questions, and ask some of their own.

Tatiana's Response!

We LOVED your video yesterday! So many great questions and information to get to know you all better. Here's Tatiana answering some of the questions you asked...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Answers and More Questions

Thank you so much for your video. We're excited to learn about another part of the United States and to meet some new students. Here are our answers to your questions. We also have some questions for you.

-Class 1A

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Introducing...East New York Middle!

Hi friends! We have a new group of students from New York City who are so excited to join the blog and share a bit of "city" life with you. Here's Tatiana giving an introduction to herself, the city, and our school. Hope you enjoy!